Do you want to report offending content or suspicious activity?

The USDRE is a community-driven site, and removing photos, reviews, or other user content is not something we take lightly. Our moderators carefully check all reported content against our Content Guidelines, and if we believe content violates those we will remove it within 30 days and message the user to let them know. If you’ve already reported something and have questions about the response you received, please contact our Support team.
Reporting Bad Reviews
Please also keep in mind that we use automated software to determine which reviews to recommend to our users, so even if our moderators do not remove the review, our software may separately determine that it isn’t useful or reliable enough to show to our users. Real Estate Agents should also feel free to use their account to respond publicly or via direct message to any inaccuracies in the review.
Our Review Removal policy is located here:
Report Copyright or Trademark Violations / DMCA
If you are the owner or representative of a Registered Mark or Copyrighted work that you feel is inappropriately displayed on the USDRE platform, you may report it using the form below and we will investigate and remove or suspend the content within 1 to 30 days.
Spam, Hacking, Phishing
If you have received any spam emails purporting to be from the USDRE please send us a copy so we can investigate. Security is a priority at USDRE so if you receive any emails asking for your password or any sensitive information that you find suspicious, report it to us so that we can correlate it with other users reports to reduce security risks.
If you are a Victim of Abuse or find something suspicious, please fill out the form below to report the offending content.
Things to report: Any error on the website that you think should be deleted such as: illegitimate users, hacking attempts, phishing emails, spam, abusive behavior, strange behavior, anything suspicious no matter how mundane.