A landlord self-managing their property means they are taking a BIG risk.
Self-managing owners are at a disadvantage if they are not an expert in things like screening, compliance, collections, and avoiding evictions. These are all headaches that can be avoided by hiring a good property manager. But finding a good management company can be the nemesis of a property owner.
USDRE.com helps property owners search for and find good property managers.
The biggest fear landlords have is to find the wrong tenants – people who destroy the property and don’t pay the rent, leaving the landlord a vacant property with tens of thousands of dollars in damage and a decision about whether or not they want to risk trying again.
A Property Manager brings value
A good property manager’s interests are aligned with the landlord. Something as common as an eviction can become expensive. Investing time, resources, and labor into preventing evictions from ever happening by doing proper screening (that is in compliance with the law) and being fair but firm in enforcing the lease will allow property owners to avoid evictions and other hassles.
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Property management companies do not just collect rent and coordinate repairs. 
The REAL risk that a landlord takes is getting sued by a tenant. Discrimination, negligence, or a number of other accusations can trap a landlord in a well of despair. For example, a simple case involving an accusation of mold accompanied by a claim of a health problem can ruin a landlord if they do not act fast and in compliance to run tests and to create a documented paper-trail of proof for defense purposes. Mold is natural, it is found in lots of places in the environment. Mold WILL get into your home, that is not the question, the question is what did you do when it was discovered?
A good property manager can help keep you compliant
- Landlord-Tenant Law
- Fair housing Laws
- Health & Safety Laws
- Discrimination Laws
USDRE Connects Owners with Managers
USDRE is a free search engine that pairs people based on the principals of goodness of fit so that the business relationship goes as smooth as possible.
Negative online reviews is an indication of a structural internal problem of the management company.
Researching online reviews is essential to selecting a property management company. Oftentimes if a property manager has bad reviews, they will claim those were left by tenants who didn’t receive their deposit back. This can happen but good property managers take care of both the property owner and the tenants. Aggressive property managers make happy tenants move and turnover is the enemy of landlords.
- Happy Tenants Stay Longer
- Happy Tenants Take Better Care of the Property
- Happy tenants are Better for the Landlord
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