USDRE™ is a search engine for home buyers & sellers to find their ideal real estate agent
The US Directory of Real Estate search algorithm (called Agent-Match) analyzes peoples values, beliefs and outlook on life to find individuals who will work well together on both a personal and professional level. When it comes to real estate we discover the factors that people value most which helps make a home sale go as smooth as possible. Learn more
We take privacy and security seriously. You can privately browse and research agents – we do not reveal your info to anybody. This is unlike other companies who sell personal info as lead-data. - Check it out if you are in the market for real estate and are looking for an agent.
Megan Weaver
Interior Designer, Bravo TV's Flipping outVideo Link
Well done, on what USDRE is doing in the real estate space. Leads Matter and so agents need to start looking around the corner. Do you know what I'm saying?
People come to us because we're the first and only service to use a scientific approach to matching homeowners with highly compatible real estate agents. USDRE's matching is powered by our Agent-Match Search Algorithm which matches individuals based on features of compatibility found in most successful business relationships.
Search below to find your ideal Real Estate Agent
Even if you are in the beginning stages of buying or selling a home, consulting with a licensed real estate agent can clarify questions you may have. When you think you are ready, get started today by doing a search using the form below and we will pair you up with an agent or broker who is eager to help you with this important decision.